Party Platform: Agriculture
Agriculture is an important industry in Washington State, and we support programs to insure the availability of high-quality food, and to preserve family farms to maintain the viability of the land.
We Support:
Policies that promote and encourage safe, clean local food production;
The production of food in close proximity to consumers in Washington State;
The use of household gardens for food production;
Food production and small farm classes in Washington State schools;
Industrial hemp as a source of jobs in the growing, processing, manufacture and export of industrial hemp and hemp-based products;
Legislation requiring the clear labeling of foods containing GMOs, and Country of Origin Labeling;
Legislation that bans the use of the pesticides glyphosate (Roundup) and neonicotinoids (believed to be the central cause of bee colony collapse) in Washington State.
We oppose:
Food production and distribution that depends on energy inefficient machinery;
The production, processing and transportation of food by large unaccountable corporations that rob the consumer of knowledge about food products and stifle the local economy;
The use of prime agricultural lands for non-agricultural uses.
Party Platform