Party Platform: Immigration
We believe that immigration reform must be approached in a comprehensive and realistic way.
This would include, at a minimum, the following fundamental principles:
A path to legalization, documentation, and citizenship;
Enacting the Dream Act allowing undocumented immigrant children to attend college and create a more prepared work force, with an eventual path to citizenship;
Programs offering immigrants instruction in English and preparation for citizenship;
Support for local communities working to welcome newcomers and welcome them into the community;
Basic civil liberties and human rights for all;
Due process rights for everyone;
Immigrants’ right to a drivers’ license;
Work permits, travel permission, and access to educational opportunities for undocumented immigrants who have undergone background and security checks;
A system that targets and criminalizes employers who recruit undocumented workers from abroad for economic gain;
Mechanisms to meet legitimate needs for new workers without compromising the rights and opportunities of workers already here;
A worker visa program that adequately protects wages and working conditions of U.S. and immigrant workers;• The right of immigrant workers to join or form a union;
The right of immigrant workers to change jobs;
Clearing the family backlogs to reunite family members who have filed legal applications;
Condemnation of anti-immigrant legislation.
Opposing the construction of a wall of shame on any of our borders.
Party Platform