Featured Candidate Endosements
Bills Outcome 2021
SB 5096 - 2021-22 Passed and on May 4th Signed by Governor Inslee
Concerning an excise tax on gains from the sale or exchange of certain capital assets. (more information)
Sponsors: Robinson, Hunt, Nguyen, Wilson, C.
By Request: Office of Financial Management
HB 1297 - 2021-22 Passed and signed Effective date 7/25/2021
Concerning working families tax exemption.
Sponsors: Thai, Stokesbary, Ramel, Ryu, Robertson, Leavitt, Bateman, Fitzgibbon, Shewmake, Chapman, Johnson, J., Senn, Frame, Riccelli, Chopp, Wylie, Wicks, Simmons, Boehnke, Berry, Davis, Tharinger, Walsh, Eslick, Goodman, Peterson, Santos, Valdez, Cody, Chambers, Kloba, Ramos, Kirby, Bronoske, Gregerson, Macri, Callan, Paul, Sells, Bergquist, Ormsby, Pollet, Slatter, Stonier, Taylor, Harris-Talley
Companion Bill: SB 5387
Universal Healthcare
Feb 22
Scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 9:30 AM (Subject to change).
SB 5399 - 2021-22 Passed and signed
Concerning the creation of a universal health care commission.
Builds on the actuarial work done for the Universal Health Care (UHC) Work Group and begins the implementation of the plan favored by a majority of the Work Group: a unified plan for universal health coverage run through a state agency.
Sponsors: Randall, Cleveland, Das, Dhingra, Frockt, Hunt, Kuderer, Liias, Lovelett, Nguyen, Nobles, Robinson, Saldaña, Stanford, Van De Wege, Wellman, Wilson, C.
SB 5377 Passed and signed- Increasing Affordability of Standardized Plans on the Individual Market
Provides access to health care for the uninsured and underinsured NOW, until a more comprehensive publicly funded universal healthcare system can be established.
SSB 5203 - Passed and signed Producing, distributing, and purchasing generic prescription drugs
This bill lowers prices of pharmaceutical drugs and allows a public agency to compete with private pharma companies and benefits managers.
These bills are the result of years of HCFA-WA’s efforts toward the creation, implementation, maintenance, and funding of a universal healthcare system to provide affordable health care for every resident of Washington state. And in this 2021 Legislative Session we are getting closer than ever! Please join us with your comments on Friday, February 19. Click here to comment.
Is your Senator a member of this committee? Send them an email urging their support. Yes he is. Senator Ron Muzzall is on the Ways and Means Committee
Health Care for All-WA http://www.healthcareforallwa.org/
SB 5140 - 2021-22 Passed and signed
Protecting pregnancy and miscarriage-related patient care.
Sponsors: Kuderer, Frockt, Conway, Das, Dhingra, Hasegawa, Hunt, Lovelett, Randall, Saldaña, Stanford, Wellman, Wilson, C.
Limit Solitary Confinement Did not Pass
SB 5413
Sponsors: Wilson, C., Darneille, Das, Dhingra, Frockt, Hunt, Kuderer, Liias, Lovelett, Nguyen, Saldaña
Right now hundreds of people in Washington’s prisons are living in conditions that the international community calls torture and which mental health experts have found cause lasting physical and mental damage. For years the Department of Corrections has claimed that it has reduced its use of solitary, even partnering with reform-minded organizations such as the Vera Institute and AMEND. Despite these efforts, some people remain in solitary for years. SB 5413 would stop the use of this barbaric practice by limiting the use of solitary confinement to fifteen days and precluding its use on vulnerable groups entirely. Read more about SB 5413 here. Companion Bill: HB1312 Sponsors: Peterson, Simmons, Ramel, Ryu, Fitzgibbon, Hackney, Gregerson, Santos, Senn, Ortiz-Self, Dolan, Davis, Valdez, Bateman, Johnson, J., Ormsby, Bergquist, Morgan, Lekanoff, Frame, Harris-Talley, Leavitt, Pollet, Callan, Macri
Climate Change Did not Pass
Washington STRONG will Deliver Big Investments for Climate Solutions. Sponsors: Lovelett, Saldaña, Das, Dhingra, Frockt, Hunt, Kuderer, Nguyen, Pedersen, Salomon, Stanford, Wellman, Wilson, C.
Many localities have climate action plans and wish-lists, but without sufficient funding, all these plans and ideas remain just that – plans and ideas. Examples of qualifying investments include energy efficiency and HVAC upgrades, forest health projects, clean transportation projects, and broadband access. https://www.carbonwa.org/action
Link to the bill SB 5373: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5373&Year=2021&Initiative=false
The HEAL Act (Senate Bill 5141) is our opportunity to embed environmental justice principles into the mission of our state government. This will mean factors like race, income, location, or language no longer determine the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we live on. For more info, check out the HEAL Act one-pager, FAQ
Sponsors: Saldaña, Lovelett, Carlyle, Das, Frockt, Hasegawa, Hunt, Keiser, Kuderer, Liias, Nobles, Pedersen, Rolfes, Stanford, Wilson, C.
SB 5126 - 2021-22 Passed and signed
Concerning the Washington climate commitment act. Creates a cap and trade program, and a task force to make recommendations for a comprehensive, coordinated statewide climate action program.
Sponsors: Carlyle, Saldaña, Conway, Das, Frockt, Hunt, Liias, Nguyen, Pedersen, Salomon, Stanford, Wilson, C.
By Request: Office of the Governor
Firearm Safety Measures Did not Pass
Addressing firearm safety measures to increase public safety. High Capacity magazine restrictions.
Sponsors: Valdez, Peterson, Ormsby, Davis, Hackney, Macri, Pollet, Gregerson, Ramel, Bateman, Simmons, Fitzgibbon, Harris-Talley
By Request: Attorney General
Companion Bill: SB 5078 Sponsors: Liias, Kuderer, Darneille, Hunt, Nguyen, Pedersen, Wilson, C. By Request: Attorney General
SB 5038 - 2021-22 Passed and Signed
Prohibiting the open carry of certain weapons at public demonstrations and the state capitol.
Sponsors: Kuderer, Das, Carlyle, Darneille, Dhingra, Hunt, Liias, Lovelett, Nguyen, Pedersen, Rolfes, Saldaña, Salomon, Wellman, Wilson, C.
Police accountability Passed and signed
HB 1054 - 2021-22
Establishing requirements for tactics and equipment used by peace officers.
Sponsors: Johnson, J., Entenman, Dolan, Ryu, Berry, Simmons, Bateman, Kloba, Lekanoff, Duerr, Fitzgibbon, Slatter, Wylie, Ramos, Berg, Tharinger, Ramel, Ortiz-Self, Senn, Peterson, Gregerson, Valdez, Callan, Hackney, Morgan, Chopp, Cody, Ormsby, Taylor, Frame, Santos, Macri, Davis, Pollet, Bergquist, Harris-Talley
HB 1310 - 2021-22 Passed and signed
Concerning permissible uses of force by law enforcement and correctional officers.
Sponsors: Johnson, J., Lovick, Ryu, Simmons, Berry, Fitzgibbon, Hackney, Wylie, Sells, Wicks, Cody, Callan, Gregerson, Santos, Senn, Ortiz-Self, Chopp, Davis, Valdez, Dolan, Bateman, Ormsby, Bergquist, Morgan, Ramel, Ramos, Lekanoff, Frame, Harris-Talley, Pollet, Macri, Peterson
HB 1202 - 2021-22 Not passed
Addressing meaningful civil remedies for persons injured as a result of police misconduct, including by allowing for an award of attorney fees in addition to damages and injunctive and declaratory relief.
Sponsors: Thai, Davis, Bateman, Ramos, Kloba, Callan, Simmons, Berry, Santos, Ryu, Ramel, Sells, Ortiz-Self, Gregerson, Wicks, Berg, Bergquist, Dolan, Macri, Fey, Pollet, Harris-Talley, Frame
HB 1088 - 2021-22 Passed and Signed
Concerning potential impeachment disclosures. Prior to hiring any peace officer with previous law enforcement experience, a law enforcement agency must inquire as to whether the officer has ever been subject to potential impeachment disclosure.
Sponsors: Lovick, Goodman, Fitzgibbon, Johnson, J., Slatter, Wylie, Ramos, Bateman, Berry, Dolan, Tharinger, Simmons, Ryu, Ramel, Shewmake, Leavitt, Senn, Peterson, Gregerson, Valdez, Callan, Chopp, Duerr, Ormsby, Taylor, Lekanoff, Santos, Macri, Frame, Orwall, Berg, Pollet, Harris-Talley
Companion Bill: SB 5067
Protecting Long Term Care
HB 1323 - 2021-22 Passed and signed
Concerning the long-term services and supports trust program.
Sponsors: Tharinger, Macri, Simmons, Fitzgibbon, Cody, Hackney, Santos, Ortiz-Self, Lekanoff, Pollet
SJR 8200 - 2021-22 Did not Pass
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution concerning the investment of funds to provide for long-term care services and supports.
Sponsors: Keiser, Conway, Mullet, Nguyen
asegawa, Keiser, Kuderer, Lovelett, Nguyen, Saldaña, Stanford, Wilson, C.
10th LD Democrats Endorsement list
SEIU 775 Endorsements: Full list is here
10th LD House:
State Representative, Position 1: Clyde Shavers
State Representative, Position 2: Dave Paul
Retired Public employees Council Of Washington RPEC
10th LD House 1: Clyde Shavers (D)
10th LD House 2: Dave Paul (D)